Why we should develop our own insights

Have you ever come across an article with the title "15 signs, he or she is a keeper." Usually, I will see tons of these kinds of article on my news feed, I wondered why do people like to share such articles. It makes them seem quite shallow that they are using a checklist to … Continue reading Why we should develop our own insights

How to build strong and meaningful relationships

(Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) What is the one secret sauce of strong and meaningful relationships? Trust - takes a (really) long time to build, a short moment to break and forever to repair. Actually, most of us already know that trust is the most important thing that holds a relationship together. But it's hard … Continue reading How to build strong and meaningful relationships

What we really lack is effort, not time

http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s0FZw2EAiEDG&autoplay=0 Record music with Vocaroo >> We all seem to have insufficient time. Just having 24 hours a day is not enough. We often use time (or rather, the lack of) as an excuse for not doing a whole bunch of things. But we somehow can spare 15 minutes to take the perfect selfie and upload … Continue reading What we really lack is effort, not time

Stop complaining like it helps, it doesn’t

(Estimated reading time: 4 minutes) Complaining. We are all guilty of that. But that's because we are humans. We complain to get things off our chest, albeit not the healthiest for growth, but it works. Complaining makes us feel better. There's a reason for that. It helps us release our pent-up frustrations and anger about … Continue reading Stop complaining like it helps, it doesn’t